Partners in crime

Photos by my dear friend, Dillon Gitano

I don't know what I would do in this big world without my friends. They have made my whole summer unbelievably amazing. This summer has been byfar, the most eventful summer I've had in years. Maybe ever. With all of the work at hand, my friends have been there to put me at ease. And with all of that summer heartache as well. There are many late nights consisting of me driving out of my rural town into the city lights, dancing all night with loved ones, and crashing at different places. I love every bit of it, no lie. I've met some pretty amazing people throughout the summer. Some have come and gone, but the ones who stay are the ones that matter the most. I've come to realize, after moaning and bitching about a guy who left me for someone else, that I'm much better off being a single pringle. I do have nights where I wish I had a guy there to romance me and squeeze me until my worries were gone... but my friends take care of all of that. Maybe a little less romance, but I'm being patient. So what's next for this tiny darling? Time will tell.


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