Weekly wars & victories #7

001. It seems way too soon to say goodbye to January. That month brought in this new year with much accomplishment and change. I can’t help but smile to think that I had reached all of the goals that I had set out for that month. I’m ready to say hello to the blushing weather of February. I’m going to be busy, but busy with things that I love. Omaha Fashion Week is in just a few weeks and everything leading up to that week is important. Magazine deadlines will be met, new opportunities will present themselves, new and unfamiliar faces will be admired, and my head will be filled with nothing but fashion week until it is all said and done. I can’t say that I’m completely ready to take on this month, but I will say this: I’m going to take February one day at a time.
002. I’m somewhat moved into my apartment now. I’m living with my good friend/sister Camille and we will be dwelling here for the next 9 months. We both needed a place to call home here in Omaha, so that we’d have a place to be during all of our fashion week business. It’s going to be a slow process, furnishing this place, but so far it’s been an adventure. It’s funny how simple it is to feel comfortable and happy. I felt completely content just sitting on the floor, right where the sun hit. I was warm and protected. That’s all that really matters.
003. We have about a week left until we come up with a rough layout for the Omaha Fashion Week magazine. Camille and I have been putting our days and nights into this. It’s like magic when both of our brains are working together. We come up with some very creative ideas! I’m thankful to be working with her, because we make a great team.
004. It feels great to be living in the city. I don’t feel so isolated anymore. I am surrounded by opportunity everyday and that’s a wonderful thing.
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