
images from They Roared Vintage / i dont want realism

Oh here I go again. I can't resist the lazy and sun-kissed vibe of the 70s. Working at a vintage boutique has definitely justified my love for past decades and their fashion culture. I could spend hours looking through old polaroids of my parents when they were younger, because I have to be honest here, they were rocking the striped polos and bell-bottoms. My mom complains to me today that she had spent to many hours bumming around in the sun back then. I would've done the same. I can only imagine myself seeing life through round shaped, sunny toned shades. Can I just go back in time for a day?

I'm back home today, just for a bit. I needed a little break from the hustle and bustle of my life. I'm going to be heading into Benson today to collaborate with a local boutique called, Paperdoll. I'm going to be doing a blog post about them on Omaha Fashion Week's website. But before all of that, I'm looking forward to pancakes and a morning run. I hope you all have a lovely Monday.


  1. love the photos in this, very cool and 70s, feel free to check out our new post x

  2. u shud get a time machine. heh. Its fun being in the 70s or even 60s.

  3. Nice blog! Would you like follow each other?

  4. Lovely photos :)) I lvoe the photos when two girls in the car <3
    Im following you on GFC <3

  5. Beautiful pictures :) the 70's was a great era <3 <3


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