Farewell / Hello

Good riddance. Farewell. Goodbye. We are no strangers to these words. It doesn't even have to be said. It can be as simple as a wave, hug, kiss, or maybe a fist to the sky. Friends have been walking in and out of my life and I've left a place that I once called home. Goodbyes are bittersweet, but it's good to remember that they can surprise us with open doors, new hellos, and change.

I recently moved out of my little studio apartment and back into my home, home. It wasn't planned or expected, but it's where I am now. A part of me is relieved and another part of me misses being intertwined with the city and living just minutes away from my favorite coffee shop. All is more than well, though. I'm only thirty minutes outside of the city now and I'm surrounded by a beautiful atmosphere. I have time to get back up on my feet until I make another move. I'll come out swinging.

It's hard to know where I see myself within the next year. I have so many ideas. I have so many lists of places I want to go and things I want to do. Continuing college, learning a second language, and traveling to someplace completely foreign are at the very top. Holding a Sloth rings in at #4. I can only hope to say hello to these opportunities in my life because I've dreaming about them forever. I hope you'll follow/continue to follow me on this little journey of mine. I don't know where it's going, but I think it's going to be pretty great.

xx, Payton


  1. Lovely post :) I'm looking forward to seeing how you're doing in the near future :) x


  2. You're so talented and creative, I can't wait to see what else you do. Learning a second language and traveling are excellent places to start.


    p.s. I think I've said this to you before, but you have beautiful eyebrows.


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