My 2014

- I spent everyday doing something I was passionate about.
- I was invited into the Hello Holiday family as their Marketing Assistant.
- I went to so many concerts. I can't name them all rn.
- I partied with Mac Demarco.
- I was awakened by the power of coffee.
- I saw the world better underneath wide brimmed hats.
- I met some incredible people whom I still talk to today.
- And in the midst of everything I found someone who makes me very happy. (dimple saying "whats up" on my left cheek happy).
- I moved into Omaha and I'm convinced I have the best roommie.
- I got a job with H&M with a plane ticket to Chicago.
- I took many trips over to Des Moines to visit my lovely friend, Camille.
- I walked through many old buildings and rummaged through closets full of vintage clothing.
- I said no to pants more often than not.
- I slept on rooftops under the stars.
- I was graced with a kitten named, Arigato. Proud cat mom #2.
- I stayed more consistent with my blog.
- I got a tattoo on my 22nd birthday.
- My best friend, Valeska, got married. I was her maid of honor.
- I got married to Instagram and chicken fried rice.
- I danced my little heart out on dance floors.
- I spent more time being around family and eating great food.
- I participated in photo shoots galore.
- My car made it through the year.
- I made it through the year in good shape.
I'm curious about 2015 and what it'll bring me, my family, and friends. I want to push myself more outside of my comfort zone, focus more on this blog and a magazine that Camille and I are bringing to life. I'll be moving again by February, but more details will come later. I wish you all a happy new year.
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