Moody Monday

It's Monday & this is my mood.

There's something about sun stained colors that make me crave warmer weather. I'm tired of being so blue and cold. Midwestern weather plays a huge role in the way I style myself each season. Since the Fall & Winter gives me so many options to cover myself, I tend to dress more 60s mod and abstractly. I love playing with shapes- the cut of a winter coat, the shape of a collar. In the warmer months, most days I can only handle having as little as a dress on. It's not as fun, because I'm left with not as much room to layer. But the littlest details are everything. This is when accessories become more of a thing in my life; sun hats, dainty necklaces, statement earrings, and even a colorful lip can go a long way. I'm currently swooning over Jeremy Scott's Ready-to-Wear '16 collection. That styling is sublime!

Each day I feel more and more like I was born in the wrong decade. There's nothing I love more than incorporating retro pieces into my daily wardrobe. I spent a good percentage of last week scouting through shops that sell vintage clothing (there are so many here in Des Moines. I LOVE IT.) I found a playful orange bodycon dress at Preservation. It has this retro mock neck that has orange and cream stripes on it as well as a little bumble bee on the right side of the chest. That's why I went crazy for it. It's unique and one of a kind.
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