A Color Story

A pop of color can lift you up,
even on your worst days.

Last week was full of color and beautiful weather- the perfect way to wrap up February. I spent last Sunday downing iced coffee with a new friend that lives just a block away from me. We connected over Instagram and before you know it, we were having a mini photo session in the middle of the neighborhood. The wind was starting to blow us away, so we used my apartment as a studio.

Has it become obvious that I love red orange tones? I hope so. It's colors like this that really change my mood for the better. Bold colors are also great conversation starters. That red coat of mine has turned many strangers into friendly acquaintances. Also, let's take a moment to admire these beautiful dresses. I hope the weather isn't teasing us. I want no pants weather to stay.

To let you know what I'm up to this week- I'm in the process of editing a video for you guys. I'm creating a Youtube Channel! I can't promise that I will be as consistent as I am on here, but that may change. I'm hoping to have it done by this weekend, so be sure to check back here. Until then, have a lovely week.
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