Time Out

Have you ever felt the need to spend time away from the things you love most? It could be work, a pet, a loved one, pizza, etc. For me it's been work. I feel like I've been stuck in a creative rut lately. I've stopped working on graphic design projects of my own and I've barely updated my blog as consistently as I use to. It's kind of like time out, but instead, I put myself there. This has happened to me before during the colder months when the sun is more modest and I feel like I have less time in the day to get things done (or at least I tell myself that). I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, though. I'm lucky that I have a flexible schedule to let me work around the daylight hours for photo shoots and that I have everything I need to start getting into digital design again. It's essential for me to keep teaching myself new things and to take baby steps outside of my comfort zone. As much as I want to wrap myself into a blanket burrito in solitude with Netflix and my cat at my side forever, I cannot. The point is, it's okay to take a break. Sometimes it's necessary in order to to get the creativity flowing again.

In fashion news, I picked up this cheeky/cute top from Hello Holiday designed by Tuesday Bassen. I'm not always mean, but when I am, there's always a rainbow at the end. Tuesday's designs are insanely adorable and relatable in many ways. From pins to patches, mugs to jackets... I want them all. The overalls are a classic, also from Hello Holiday, that I got a year ago. They're so comfortable and easy to live in for days, but unfortunately, this pair is discontinued. But don't worry, I found some similar options for you:

I hope that this holiday season has left you inspired and not in "time out." I dare you to challenge yourself this week and try something out of the ordinary or dive back into that thing you know you need to do. Comment one big thing you would like to accomplish before this year ends and then go do that thing. Have a great week!

I hope that this holiday season has left you inspired and not in "time out." I dare you to challenge yourself this week and try something out of the ordinary or dive back into that thing you know you need to do. Comment one big thing you would like to accomplish before this year ends and then go do that thing. Have a great week!

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